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June 2023

God is always with you

A few summers ago, my family and I went on a vacation. My daughter was pretty young and carefree at the time, so while we were hiking she accidentally stepped on a snake that was halfway in the path. Noticing the movement, I quickly grabbed her and got her out of harm's reach. In reality, I doubt I was the one fast enough to avoid a snake bite for her. I know that it was God who protected her.

I think we can all recall a time when a bad situation happened to us or someone we are close to. Maybe you didn’t literally step on a snake, but you may have walked into a bad situation. Without even realizing it, God may have reached for you and pulled you out of harm's way and back onto the right path. If you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, He promises to never leave you or forsake you!

As Joshua was leading the Israelites to new territory, God said this to him:

Joshua 1:9 (KJV) “Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”

- Evan Stauffer, PaulB Lititz Warehouse Manager

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Posted: June 01, 2023